my friends sara, alicia, and hodges hosted their third pre-turkey day celebration this year and it was the biggest one yet with a turnout of almost 50 people. it was pretty much the best way to have a real thanksgiving meal this year that i could possibly think of.
The Food:
(not included in these pictures was the drinks OR the desserts. clearly that was a LOT of food)

Getting the food:

Hanging out, after eating the food:

everyone kind of stood around awkwardly not wanting to be the first one in line so i gladly volunteered. thus i was able to get some good pictures of people getting their food
Eating the food:
there were people EVERYWHERE eating in sara and alicia's place and there wasn't even enough room for everyone so some people went to matt stevenson's place, which is in the same townhouse complex

Felts: "Nathan come sing karaoke with me!"
Nathan: "ehhh we'll see."
Felts: "I have parents, I know that means no"
sara unintentionally reenacting her encounter with an unexpected 2am visitor
