the "icing" for our ginger bread house that we made with too much water so we had to add a lot of flour to it so it turned into more of a doughey paste
intense ginger bread house making
lucas scott's house from one tree hill
peyton's house
the bridge from the one tree hill intro
karen's cafe!!
nathan's house
this is the intro to one tree hill and it has some of these places in it. at the beginnng and end of it you see lucas walking across the bridge, you see 2 people hugging on the porch of lucas' house, you see haley flipping around the open/closed sign of karen's cafe and a few clips from the river court.
carmen and i at my friend jordan's 21st suprise birthday party
before she arrived we hung streamers from the ceiling fan to decorate it. then the boys arrived and really wanted to turn it on, but we said they had to wait until she got there. so when she got there we yelled suprise, stuck her under the fan, turned it on, and sang happy birthday
before she arrived we hung streamers from the ceiling fan to decorate it. then the boys arrived and really wanted to turn it on, but we said they had to wait until she got there. so when she got there we yelled suprise, stuck her under the fan, turned it on, and sang happy birthday
we are cool
later that night, me staring down my flying cow while i packed because i decided last minute to go back to chapel hill with carmen for monday and tuesday
after church sunday, on the way to the hill!!
stopping for lunch. boberry biscuit. yessss.
monday night i went to visit the lahrs

andrew took this picture of me
so i took this one of him
me and andrew
robert took us out for ice cream. nicole was excited.
carmen under the table at chillis on tuesday afternoon
at carmen's chior concert tuesday night. the girl next to her fell and carmen caught her but dropped her music in the process. it was ok, except for the song in hebrew.
late tuesday night about to drive to charlotte for thanksgiving break!!!
Is that a RITA'S WATERICE cup in Nicole's hand?!?!? I didn't know they had those in Raleigh! Oh, I miss Philly sometimes...
yes ma'am it is!
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