Monday, February 16, 2009

Spring Conference

I went to the InterVarsity spring conference in Myrtle Beach this past weekend with my chapter.

teacherly Kristy making sure everyone is present before we leave

at the hotel

the pier

me and my roomies... jumping on the beds in our room
and heres a video of us breaking the bed:
"i wonder if this luggage rack will hold my weight" it did.
and here we are throwing water off the balcony (and me freaking out when jamie held my camera over the edge in order to film the ground 6 floors below):

conferencing saturday mornin'

the peir again

the GIANT fish at broadway at the beach saturday afternoon

Christine and i at the party saturday night

Kristy singing to strangers at Krispy Kreme late saturday night
and heres the video of it:

the chapter!

so cameron's camera is kind of wierd, but payed off to make these really awesome pictures of Jamie blowing bubbles off the balcony

Nathan and i chillin on the balcony amidst the bubbles and items being catapulted 6 stories
and heres a video of our catapult:

and a couple of non-spring conference pictures from the week before

our intermural basketball team, the IV ballers:

this somehow translates to "displaced scapula"

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