Wednesday, December 3, 2008

i'm here!

so for whatever reason i'm having issues with blogspot on my computer and it won't let me upload pictures so thats why i haven't uploaded anything in like a month. so sorry about that.
heres what i did today though, we found out my friend who works at port city java was working toay and this is what insued:

Monday, November 3, 2008


Halloween Party #1
my costume: Kristy Johnson (and Kristy went as me)

James Bond and his women

Wesley from Princess Bride gives candy to a small frightened child

Kristy with my roomates, the Boondock Saints

me and my roomates

Kristy was super excited to be a bond girl, and i already had the aviators for the roll

me and Kristy

lots o people

i love cows, Kristy loves Dr. Pepper

Kristy yelling something about loving to dance at Raggedy Ann

a five year old, Kristy, and Huckleberry Finn

the 5 year old makes a mess while eating chocolate, i lurk in the background

thats me!

a cat and a bear wandered around....

Friday: Halloween Day

my friend Nathan's band had a gig so we went and watched

Halloween Party #2
my costume: Tom Cruise, Risky Business

a Boondock Saint, a fraggle, and some Risky Businesssame group, with some grilled cheese (get it?)

2 risky businesses. i had a shovel. she did not have a shovel

Boondock Saints
T-Pain, Risky Business, grilled cheese, 50's gangster, and Gladys the old smoker

Lil Wayne stares down the grilled cheese
Tom Cruise throws himself on a couch while dancing
Chapel Hill

i saw this street sign and it made me happy

me and carmen

intense mariokart faces

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a random collection of recent pictures

this is me taken through my friends mailbox and through the back of my mailbox on the other side

we played sardines in fisher student center after LG last thursday. we were in this elevator for awhile. these were taken in the ceiling of the elevator

then we went and played pick up football. ben was cold. i had an extra coat...

it was quite cold

sunday i went and saw Steve Miller Band.

the group minus 1

and now a journey back to when i carved my pumpkin (see previous post). my roomate took this particularly scary picture of me

Monday, October 20, 2008


visited nicole and tina when they came to carolina beach

went to topsail with some friends. you can see the slideshow here.

made this

along with all my friends made these shirts when there was a booth making them for free on campus (they have all our nicknames and inside jokes on them)

discovered that our old IV room as been completely torn up

mourned that loss

went to topsail on fall break

went to midnight maddness, the start of the preseason of basketball

got pumpkins

carved this pumpkin creation

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wednesday: Jenn's 19th suprise party at Chilis

everyone arriving

her response was about the same of having gotten hit in the face
she had NO idea!

singing happy birthday

i have no idea what i'm doing in this picture.

kristy's birthday rap

me with the birthday girl and the birthday girl's ex-roomate haha

people started making big gestures while holding knives...

Saturday: Carolina beach with Tina and Nicole

nicole at the river court from one tree hill