Tuesday, April 28, 2009

musical samplings

1. i went to my friends' choir concert last weekend from the choir class that 4 of them are in:
thats rachel firebaugh and cameron on the top row at the end

rachel dalmas- top row second one
nathan- middle, face half covered by the guy in front of him

2. the rock band competition (thats right, another one) hosted by UNCW this time. Nathan Storey, Nathan Snell, and Scott reunited along with PineSol (real name Josh) for this one
3. the spring show uncw put on that nathan and i got up early for about a month ago in order to get 4th row tickets. it was vanessa carlton opening for citizen cope

vanessa carlton

heres a video of one of her performances: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Drx0mU5vZk&feature=channel_page
citizen cope!
here he is performing the song that was pretty much my favorite song through 10th and 11th grade and remains one of my favorite songs today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfTVVbumCpA&feature=channel_page

4. Nathan's band Peter's Shadow had a show at the Soap Box downtown:

heres a video of one of their songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWezmkG7-us&feature=channel

Jud has a really sweet camera and here are some of the pictures from his camera that Cameron took (Jud is the one in the black tshirt

Monday, April 20, 2009

a weekend with a lot of variety

nathan has this friend from church/school named peter who asks nathan to lead worship with him at various events from time to time. so when peter asked nathan to help him lead worship at an event in mount olive, nathan said sure. that is how i found myself at a tent revival in the middle of a cow pasture both friday and saturday. yeah.

the giant tent in the middle of the field, you can see the cars as a reference of how big it was

now lets focus on the important part, it was in a cow pasture. i love cows.

this cow believes the grass really is greener on the other side

jud and a cow eye each other

you'd think a camera that large would have a better zoom (by the way those are my sunglasses)

just kidding, they were doing that

oh how i love cows

hey buddy!

nathan and the cow face off

calling out to my people

mama cow and baby cow

hey its me!


as we continued we found flowers

nathan conquered mount olive

we also ran across an unidentifiable skeleton scattered around one part of the pasture. it was sketchy

later when the revival started, the cows came a runnin' to hear some gospel

some of the band

saturday morning there was oozeball. that is where they dig up 3 rectangles the shape and size of vollyball courts in the field behind my apartments, get the fire department to come spray everything down, then we play vollyball in the mud
my team. team name " the we just want to play for fun but if we win then thats cool too team" (yes those are goggles)
matt really got into the spirit of the rediculousness that is oozeball and wore cut off shorts and a cut off shirt. later he lost the shirt and just stuck with the cut off shorts

practicing before our first game

after our first game (we won!)

my roomates tackled me because i wasn't muddy enough for their taste
lets play a game i just made up called "identify that man's race"
for a hint, look at his shoulder in this picture.

after our second game. we lost. but its ok because we just wanted to play for fun and if we won, thats cool too

the dream team
one last picture before my shower that took about 40 minutes or so of scrubbing

then immediately after the shower, nathan and i drove back to mount olive for some more revival

then, seeing as we were halfway to chapel hill already, we decided to go to the Psalm 100 concert which is the acapella group that some of my friends are in. the sunset on the way was gorgeous.

we made it!
here's nathan chillin with some old fellas at the well right before we left to drive back to wilmington...