Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Some New Old Updates

so both of these are things that happened awhile ago but i wanted to wait until i had the videos for them as well in order to post them.

cameron storey went out of town one weekend in february and had asked kristy to pick her up from the airport sunday evening. well we decided to make it a group trip and had an entire welcome home party waiting for her right outside her gate complete with balloons and signs. for a weekend trip.

that sign says "authorized personel only" and this is me sticking it to the man
this is where the ILM staff has decided to keep the objects they confiscate from suitcases. in a glass case in the lobby. so basically, should an psycho decide to go on a tyraid through the airport, all he would need to do would be to throw something through the glass and he would be armed with a variety of weapons. good thinking ILM, good thinking.
so, ILM is kind of small. this is a list of all the flights arriving that night

kristy was the only one cameron could see coming out of the gate

then, attack!

heres a video of how it all went down (you can skip through some of the middle part if you want):

february 27th a group of us drove to greensboro to see david crowder band in concert. we got minorly lost because mapquest hates us and arrived about 20 minutes late, but we made it.


storey cousins
the ginormous church it was in

the wilmington group

so afterwards we met dave

so when we met the band, kristy asked why they had not played undignified, which is her favorite song of all time. turns out they had... as their opening song... we were 20 minutes late... oops. this is what insued:


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Movie Maker

that is a program i have become well versed in this week. i had 2 video projects due in 2 seperate classes within the span of 4 days and i just thought you might like to see them!

this one was for my EDN 303 class (the title of the class is "technology in the classroom"). the assignment was to make a 30-60 second video that supplemented the lesson you have chosen to present via powerpoint. i chose first grade math, how to measure volume. the majority of the lesson talked about measuring volume by way of gallons, quarts, pints, cups, and ounces. this video supplemented that by showing another way to measure volume:


the second one is for my ENG 201 class and the title of THAT class is "reading and writing." the assignment was to make a TV commercial on any product of our choosing that was less than 30 seconds. when you tell me how making a TV commercial falls under either of the categories of reading or writing, then i will tell you that this project was not a waste of my time. despite it wasting my sunday afternoon, i am QUITE pleased with the result. enjoy:
