Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back to School events

August 19th- fireworks. yay school. (this is an awesome picture if i do say so myself)
August 21st- Rock Band

August 25th- photobooth shenanigans at the lunch table

yep that is my nose

...who knows

Saturday, August 22, 2009

a summary of the rest of summer

there was a pretty impressive flash flood during which i was stuck in a clubhouse on campus for 4 hours. this picture was taken after it had stopped raining and the water was starting to go down (you can see the car behind him with the water almost up to its hood)

i went to the beach a few times

came back to charlotte again. played some disc golf with kathy, patrick, caleb, zeke, and nathan.

nathan and i celebrated our 6 months anniversary (we have since also had our 7th)

fredward and the lahrs came to wilmington

i returned to charlotte for 3 weeks. after 2 nathan came to visit me. with coldplay tickets.

and we went to the coldplay concert