Sunday, February 3, 2008

birthday weekend!!

high school musical birthday banner

this is how my roomates present to me was wrapped. (it was a copy of Fight Club, my favorite movie)

carmen came to town!

The next day at Wag...

standing on a chair in front of the whole room having happy birthday sung to me. that got some looks.

this is the closest we have to a picture of the whole cake:

one end of the table (me, suz, brittany, felts, monte, gretchen, ashley)

some of the other end of the table (liz, jordan, bethany, jamie, rachel, christine)


deep concentration as she cuts up a cake for like 20

mint chocolate chip ice cream

gretchen getting off the icing that she put on my nose. and in my eyeball.

every single person in this picture looks awkward hahahahaha


that cake did not stand a chance

everyone. kind of.

action shot

this is the best face i have ever made hahaha

they love me!

me and carmen!!!

the next 2 pictures were accidents but they kind of worked out:

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